Top 10 Legal Terms You Need to Know: A Beginner’s Guide to Understanding the Law


Court is in session!Check out this video to learn 10 useful legal terms in English!Hi, I’m Steve and this is Single Step English.If you haven’t done so, please click on the bell buttonso you can subscribe to the Single Step English channel.I really appreciate it.and share it with other people.Welcome to this video on the top 10 legal termsthat you need to know in English.These are important words that you may come across in everyday life,or if you see them in movies or on TV shows,you should know what they mean.Let’s get atarted.

What is bail?

Number 10: Bail.Bail is the money that someone must payin order to be released from jailwhile they wait for their trial.John had to pay $5,000 for bailso he could leave jail and wait forhis trial at home.Another verb you will hear used with bail is post.To post bail. He needs to post bail.That means he needs to pay money to be released from jail.To post bail.

What is a plaintiff?

Number 9: Plaintiff.against someone else.Example: Samantha is the plaintiff in the casebecause she is the person who is suingher neighbor.In this case, suing comes from the word ‘sue” S-U-E,which means to bring legal action against another person.

What is a defendant?

Number 8: Defendent.A defendent is the person who is being charged with a legal case.Or, is being sued by another person.The defendant.They must defend themselves.This is the opposite of #9, plaintiff.Here is an example:Mark is the defendant in the case because he is the personwho is being sued by Samantha.

What is a jury?

Number 7: the evidence in a trial and then make a decision .Example: The jury in the case had to decide whether Markwas guilty of stealing from Samantha.By the way, a jury consists of 12 people.If you want to see a great, old movie, I recommend the movie,”12 Angry Men.”Since the jury are citizens, like you and me,we call them a jury of our peers.The same as us.And, they decide whether the person is guilty or not guilty.

What does guilty mean?

This takes us to number 6: which is the word, guilty.Guilty means that someone has been found to have committed a crime by a jury or a judge.For example: “Mark was found guilty of stealing from Samantha by the jury.”Can you guess what number 5 will be?

What does not guilty mean?

Number 5: Not guilty.Not guilty means that someone has been foundnot to have committed a crime by a jury or judge.Example: Mark was found not guilty of stealing from Samantha by the jury.At the end of a court case, it is very commonfor a judge to announce that the defendant has been found to be guiltyor not guilty.

What does verdict mean?

Alright…Number 4: Verdict.A verdict is the decision, in a trial, made by a jury or a judge. The verdict.Here’s an example: The verdict in the case was that Mark was guilty of stealing from Samantha.Actually, the word “verdict” comes from Latin, and it means to say the truth.Let’s move on to Number 3: Appeal.

What is the legal meaning of an appeal?

An appeal is made when the defendant does not like the decisionmade by the jury or the judge. So, they ask for an appeal.They want the appeal to go from a lower court to a higher court.So, they want another try, and they ask for an appeal.Let’s go back using our example with Mark.Mark is going to appeal the verdict because he thinks the decision was not fair.That is the main reason the defendant will ask for an appeal.They felt the decision was unfair.

What is the legal meaning of a sentence?

Next, we have Number 2, which is “sentence.”A sentence is the punishment given to someone.Example: Mark’s sentence for stealing from Samantha was two years in prison.Hmm, I wonder if Mark will appeal?For this use of sentence, you may hear people say things like,he got a light sentence. He received a light sentence.That means the sentence was not very severe.For the opposite of light sentence, we would say, he received a harsh sentence.Maybe that person must go to jail or prison for many years.OK…are you ready for number 1? I know I am!

What does lawyer mean?

Here we go.Number 1 is the word, “lawyer.”Notice the pronunciation of this word.We don’t say LAW-YER.We put it together and we say, lawyer is a person who is professionally trained to give legal adviceand represent people in court.One more example for Mark.He’s had a rough day!Mark hired a lawyer to help him in his case against Samantha.A lawyer earns a good salary in most countries.There you have it, those are the top 10 legal terms that you should knowin English.I really think by learning these terms they’ll help you understand the legal system in EnglishThey’ll also help you when you are watching TV showsthat are based on courts or legal issuesand for movies as well.If you enjoy this video, please click the like button below, and share this video with others.If you have any questions,please leave them in the comments below.Please try to stay out of the court system.Thanks so much for watching. See you next time!

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