
  • hi guyswelcome to commercial law tutorialstoday i’m going to introduce long welook mainly at the definition of lawand its characteristics this lessondefines law it explains the key termsand phrases in the definitionit provides the key points to include in required to write oneit outlines the characteristics of lawand lastlyit lists the popular exam questionsrelating to this lessonnow let’s look at the definition of.

Definition of law

  • loan law is the body of customs andrules governing human conduct of acommunitywhich is formally recognized as bindingamong those persons who constitute thatcommunityand those rules are enforced by acontrolling authority in that communityi believe for you to clearly understandthe meaning of lawwe will we have to look at the key wordsand phrases making upthe definition the first word we’ll look.

Key words in the definition of law

  • at his customstake note guys i will just give asummary on customsa full lesson on customs is available onthis channelcustoms are one of the sources of lawssocustoms are visual ways of doing thingsfollowed by people in a communitythe customs are followed by many peoplefor many years in that areauntil it becomes a requirement to followthose customslaws are purposively established whilecustoms are naturally established withtimethat is customs are like gnomes followedrepeatedlyand naturally in the community until itis no longer only a normbut everyone is required to follow thosecustomsso customary laws are customs which areconsidered as legally binding on peoplein a particular community or state theyare accepted as legal requirementsand obligatory rules of conduct andfailure to follow themcertain punishment is definitefor example a customer marriagea customer marriage is one which isnegotiated celebrated and concludedaccording to any indigenous africancustomsusually lobola wishes a bright prize ispaidmarriage is witnessed and concluded bytwo families that isof the bride in the room a traditionalceremonywith food and drink may also be done thepain of lobola by the groomshows that the bride has truly beengiven to the groom’s familyand the families becomes relativesinstantlyafter that ceremony that is a customarymarriagenext we’ll look at the phrase governinghuman conductlaws governing the human conduct ofcitizens of the statecitizens are told what to do and want toknow to do in various situations by thelawtherefore their actions will be inaccordance to the lawall citizens are expected to follow allthese rules while in that statefailure to comply depleted punishment isgiven to all lawbreakersthe next word we are going to look at isenforcedwhich simply means laws ensure that allthe laws are followed bycitizens obedience to the laws isrequired enforcedand failure to obey those lawspunishment is specified as we saidbeforeand lastly we’ll look at the controllingauthoritythat is our next phrase controllingauthor it refers to a person or a groupof peoplewho were given the power by thegovernment to restrictgovern monitor and control people toobey the lawthe controlling authority you shouldtake note thatit is the one which enforces the laws solaw enforcementis done by the controlling authority andthe controlling authorityinclude the police[Music]local authorities and the coursenow if you are required to write thedefinition oflaw your definition should in some wayinclude the following points bodies ofrules governing human conductrecognize this binding by the stateand lastly law is enforceablei think these are the three major pointsyou should include in your definitionif you are required to explain or definelongmoving on from the definition let’s looknowon the characteristics of long

Characteristics of law

  • from our definition we have deduced thatlaws are a set ofrules which govern human conductthey are created and appeared by thestate they are begged by questiveauthorityand violation of the laws attractspunishmentthese are the characteristics of law weare talking abouti would like to explain thosecharacteristicsin detailfirstly laws are a set of rules whichcreatebinding and authoritative valuesand decisions in the statesrules highlight what should be done andwhat should not be donesecondly laws govern human conductwhat we can do and what we must not dois set out in our laws the law statesclearly what we can do as citizens forinstance in generalthe freedoms like the freedom ofassociationand religious belief or the freedom topeaceful demonstrationsin commercial law the right andobligation in contracts are clearly setout alsoin our laws for example the buyer shouldpaythe purchase price always and accept thedeliver of the mixor the thing being sold as well as lookout for patent defectswhile the seller on the other endshould receive the purchase pricedeliver the mix to the buyeras well as warranty product from anylatin defectsso we realize that while governing humanconductthe law also tells us what not to do forinstancein general rules like do not stealmurderassault tell us what we should not dowhile in commercial law we should notdefraud othersor misrepresent fakes those are some ofthe examplesin which law graphing the human conductof people in the societythe next characteristic we are going tolook at islaws are created and have held by thestateyes laws are created and appealed by thestatesthe state manages the creation and themaintenance of the lawsyou know that the laws are usuallycreated through the legislationso the state manages the creation of thelawsand the maintenance of those laws thestate writes down the lawsand make sure that they are followed ourfourth characteristicis law is backed by a cohesive authoritythe law is surely backed by a coerciveor powerful authoritythis is absolutely clear because werealize thatin our communities or nations there aresurely people responsible for enforcingthe lawthese include the police and the courtsthenlastly violation of law attractspunishmentso i leave the violation of flawless topunishment punishments are alsoprescribed by the law which means forcrimesare cleared out in the law punishmentsvary from finescommunist service imprisonment andsometimesdeath pen out punishment surely foreignlawthat’s why we realize that a person whodeferredsomeone five thousand us dollars is justdifferentlyfrom the one who defrauds anotherfive million dollars their punishment iscertainlynot the same to end up my lesson let usnowlook at the exam questions relating to.

Popular exam questions

  • this lessonin this lesson i’ve got two questionsfor you the first oneis define long and the second one iswhat are the characteristics of lawthank you so much for watchingplease don’t forget to subscribe commentand like.

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