Insurance in English | Types of Insurance | English Wordlist | Explained | English Speaking Practice


hello and welcome back to anotherenglish lesson from learning english proin this video you will learn aboutdifferent types of insurance in englishmake sure to check out the word list inthe description below revising the listafter the lesson is a great way to makesure the words really stick in your mindalso as a follow-up to this video i’llbe publishing an english lesson oninsurance terms i will link that in thedescription below when i have it readyfor youif you are looking for more englishvocabulary on money and banking i have awhole series of lessons on my channelthey’ll be linked in the descriptionbelow and on screen throughout the video

What is insurance

ok it’s time to begin our lesson andfirst up let’s ask what is insuranceor how do we define insurancewe could say insurance is a way toprotect oneself or an organization fromfinancial losswe could also say that insurance is atype of risk managementinsurance is generally provided by aninsurance company or an insurance brokerand we could call either of these typesof entities an insurerone of the first types of insurance manypeople get is car insurancethis can also be calledmotor insurancein american english it can be referredto sometimes as vehicle insuranceanother common type of insurance ismedical insurancethere are a few synonyms for medicalinsurance like health insuranceit can simply be called health careor a health plananother popular type of medicalinsurance is dental insurancesometimes this will be covered under ahealthcare planokay let’s move on to a different typeof insurancehome insurance

Property insurance

this may also be called propertyinsurancehome or property insurance generallycovers costs relating to firetheftand costs incurred by weather damagethere are also many subtypes of propertyinsurancesuch as boiler insuranceearthquake insuranceflood insurancethere is also landlord insuranceand renters insuranceand we have windstorm insurance whichcovers damage from hurricanes andtornadoesanother way to protect your home if youhave a mortgage is mortgage protectionthis type of insurance is designed topay off your mortgage if you were topass awayand some mortgage protection policieswill cover mortgage payments if youbecome disabled or sickif this is the first time you’revisiting my channel learning english proyou’re very welcome my name is jer andi’m narrating your lesson today make my latest english lessonsgetting back to our lesson a very important insurance for a lot of peopleis pet insurancethis type of insurance policy ispurchased by pet owners to offset theoverall cost of their animals medicalbills insurance income protectionincome protection insurance pays part ofyour lost income if you’re unable towork because of disability caused by anillness or injurya subtype of income protection isdisability insurance orlong-term disability insuranceour next type of insurance is liabilityinsurance this term refers to aninsurance product that provides aninsured party with protection against claims resulting from injuries anddamage to other people or propertya common type of liability insurance is public liability members of the public for incidents thatoccur in connection with business activities professional liability insurance isinsurance that protects professionals such as accountants lawyers andphysicians against negligence and other claims initiated by their clientsup next we have life insurance this type of insurance generallyprovides an income to an insuredperson’s family upon their debt other final expenses english lesson on types of insurancedon’t forget about the word list in thedescription belowand i hope you enjoyed this lesson let below i’d love to hear from youand if you’re looking for more englishvocabulary there’s really no betterplace on youtube than my channellearning english pro so head over thereright now and start exploring over 160english lessonscoming up on screen are some videosuggestions just for you along with thelink to subscribe to my channel so makesure to hit that to stay updated on allmy latest lessonsthat just leads me to say i hope youhave a fantastic day and remember keeplearning english like a pro.

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