okay thank you Leonardo and gabrieli forthat wonderfulintroduction uh this is going to bequite a challenge summarizing an entireYear’s experience in a few minutes but Iwill give it mybest so it comes down to this the MBAhas been adream a dream for most of us before iteven began a dream that we all livedthrough during very turbulenttimes however it was a dream that wehave all fulfilled and today we standhere awakened and inspired only to dreambigger 15 months have passed and itfeels like yesterday that we took themost important decision of our lives andif you think about it not much haschanged we continue to make bigdecisions but today there is differencewe are far more prepared better informedand we have each built our reserve ofknowledge against what’s tocome the past year we have transformedpersonally andprofessionally and without a doubtstabone has been instrumental in thisprocess I would like to take thisopportunity to thank few of many thataltered our perceptions by reinforcingfor in the values this institutionstandsby I would like to thank professor gatiand Cerrone for reaffirming their faithin financial integrity and ethicalconduct I would like to thank ProfessorDavi and joi’s fiery debates on theworld macroeconomic environment thattoday so govern and impact ourdecisions I would like to thankProfessor calucci who pushed us to thinkbeyond our boundaries in understandingourselves human behavior in pursuing ourambition that truly defines who we areand ultimately guiding us to becomingextraordinary managersand finally how can we forget the funand the sound practicality of ProfessorGrand where there is a solution beneaththe surface of every problem we justhave to keep drillingdown so I guess what I’m trying to sayis what what we learned in thoseclassrooms were not just lessons onmanagement they were in fact lessons onlife that we will take with usforever and then this experience wouldnot have been complete without you youwonderful bright eclectic people thatmade this experienceUnforgettable the depth of knowledge andexperience that we have shared togetherin those boxes lunch at friends coffeechats at franchisco and our severalnight outs together those interactionswill be Priceless and Unforgettable forwe have created something far stronger bond of respect friendship andgratitude finally a heartfelt thank youto all the families that are here todayand those that were not able to make itthank you for believing in us andallowing us to live thisdream I thank stabone for empowering ourminds with a more open one thank you andgood luck.