Talking to a Lawyer | Conversation Between a Client and a Lawyer


my name is moja Benjamin and I’ll beguiding you through introduction to lawwe shall start with nature purpose andclassification oflawgenerally the term law is ambiguous andit shall not restrict itself to anyoneparticularitem its various definitions will coverthefollowing laws of physical science EGthe law ofgravitylaws of social science EG the law ofdemand andSupply laws of morality EG respect fortheelderly laws of religion EG theCommandments given to Man by TheAlmighty through his ProphetMoses and finally we have laws of statelaws of State also known as a state lawand this is actually what we shall coverin our various topics regardinglaw state law is that which is made andenforced by Machinery ofgovernment the Machinery of governmentcomprises of the three arms ofgovernment the legislature the executiveand Judiciary the specific features of state law sothat we are able to distinguish it fromthe other kinds oflaw the main features of state laware it must be a collection ofrules secondly such rules must bebinding andcompulsory thirdly the rules must beapplicable to certain or specificpersons and by using the term persons inthis regard we are referring to theNatural and the artificial persons andhence we are also talking aboutIncorporated associations such ascompaniesthese rules must have been made byMachinery ofgovernment and last but not least breachof theserules must result into legal punishmentby the stateagencies when you look at these variousfeatures we identified it is then veryeasy for you to distinguish betweenstate law and the other kinds of lawbecause with the state law it is made bygovernment and it is binding andcompulsory whereas if you look at theother kinds of law EG the laws ofreligion or the laws of physical scienceyou’ll find the government element andthe binding and compulsory elements donotexist it is then necessary for us toidentify what are the main purposes ofstate law and there are very manypurposes but shall identify just a fewone of the purposes of state law is tomaintain peace andsecuritysecurity within the stateboundaries another important aspect isto provide Justice to members ofSociety another one is to maintainpolitical and economicstability within the stateboundaries a very important element andpurpose of state law is toprovideprotect

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